¿Cómo puedo actualizar mi dirección de correo electrónico registrada en Octopus?

We use your email address to log in to the driver dashboard and communicate important information to you.

If your registered email is incorrect or you need to update it to a more recent or better address, our support team is happy to help. Simply fill out the form by clicking the UPDATE EMAIL ADDRESS button below, and our team will update your account within 7 business days.


Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I know which email to use to log in?

Continue using your previously registered email address to access your dashboard even after submitting the email change request form. Our team will email your NEW email address once it has been updated in our system and is ready to use.

Will I lose all my points?

No. All points and account activity will be preserved; only the login email will change.

Updating your registered email may take up to 1 week. Our team will notify you once the change has been successfully made.

How many times can I change my email address?

We ask that you limit email address changes to necessary adjustments as the process to migrate your account is complex.

¿Necesitas más ayuda?

Si tienes alguna otra pregunta, por favor háznoslo saber enviando un ticket de soporte a continuación: