What Will Transportation Look Like Post-Covid?

Octopus Interactive on what transportation will look like

By Cherian Thomas, CEO of Octopus Interactive A frequent observation made during the Covid-19 pandemic has been that the wide-scale disruption caused by mitigation measures dramatically accelerated business trends that were already in motion but otherwise would have taken years to play out. Remote office work and video conferencing were fast-tracked during the pandemic, for example, […]

The promising post-cookie world

Search Engine Watch article about the post-cookie world

Author: Ryan Bricklemyer Date published: December 4, 2020 Marketers have long relied on the third-party tracking cookie. As panic continues with Google announcing the phase-out of third-party tracking cookies in Chrome, VP of Ad Operations at Octopus Interactive shares a fresh perspective and potential of a post-cookie world. 30-second summary: Google’s market-leading Chrome browser utilizes […]

Where are you watching?

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/crobgun/6182263954 Where are you watching? By Dillon Tedesco, October 15, 2020 The consumer journey has changed dramatically over the last decade. Not too long ago, consumers watched appointment television for entertainment and hailed taxis in order to go to a meeting, the airport, or for a night out. Today, consumer habits are very different. […]