Octopus February Updates

Stay tuned for a fun Winter Olympics driving competition, exciting tablet updates, information to help complete your taxes this Spring, and more news from Octopus HQ.

With the world watching the high profile competitions of the 2022 Winter Olympics, it is time to find out who the elite Octopus drivers are around the country. Introducing Oct-O-lympics 2022, with drivers from each state competing to win glory for themself and their home market!

How it Works

  • From February 7th – February 17th, drive rideshare with your tablet ON and encourage maximum amount of gameplay from your passengers
  • On February 18th, the TOP 3 drivers from each state* will be named “Oct-O-lympic” champions based on points earned. The top 3 drivers in each state will be awarded Gold (100 bonus points), Silver (50 bonus points), and Bronze prizes (25 bonus points), plus receive an exclusive Octopus driver profile badge
  • All drivers who log at least 4 hours with the tablet between February 7th – February 17th will be automatically entered to win the additional Grand Prize giveaways too – $300, $200, and $100 e-gift cards
*Please note: the “state” you will be competing in is where your tablet is registered in the Octopus system and where you complete the majority of rideshare trips. For example – if you live in northern New Jersey, you will be part of the NY state contest as your tablet is registered as an NYC tablet.

Join us Monday, February 7th at 4 PM ET for Hustler’s Hour, a virtual driver meetup event! We’ll be chatting with fellow drivers on Zoom, featuring updates from Octopus HQ, car and driver safety tips, bonus points and more.

We’re excited to announce expanded Spanish-speaking support hours! Our Spanish-speaking phone line is now open Tuesday – Friday from 10 AM ET – 4 PM ET. Call 240-366-5877 and press 1 during those hours to reach our Spanish-speaking support representative, Lacey.

We will also be hosting our first Spanish-speaking “Virtual Office Hours” today at 1 PM ET and 4 PM ET, featuring expert tips about partnering with Octopus. Tune in for a brief presentation in Spanish covering frequently asked questions, before the microphone is passed to attendees to ask any of your own questions.

There will be time at the end to ask any of your own questions in Spanish too! Please note, English office hours will be held on a separate date.

Tablet Updates

The Octopus team has been hard at work developing new content for your tablet! Check out this new Winter Olympics game room, now live on all devices. 

Impuestos 2022

With tax season approaching, we know that everyone has questions about receiving tax forms from Octopus.

Your tax situation with Octopus will depend on the amount you cashed out in 2021 from your Driver Dashboard. You can find a breakdown of your 2021 cash outs with Octopus by logging on to your Driver Dashboard at: account.playoctopus.com and clicking the “Payments” button.

  • If you cashed out $600 or more with Octopus in 2021 and submitted a W9 by January 18th: We emailed you a PDF of your 1099 on January 26th, and your printed copy should arrive in the mail any day
  • If you cashed out less than $600 with Octopus in 2021: You will not receive a tax form from Octopus

Please note: We are unable to provide any tax advice, and recommend that you contact an accountant or tax advisor if you have any questions about completing your taxes.

If you are planning on being off the road for longer than 10 days, make sure to pause your account from your Driver Dashboard. You can find instructions on pausing your account at: https://playoctopus.com/help/account-pause/.

If you do not pause your account before you stop driving, our system will start sending automated low activity messages and may deactivate your tablet.

If you’ll be off the road for longer than a month, please contact our support team to help determine the best next steps for your account.

Visit our Help Center for immediate solutions to common problems!

Our support team is available 7 days a week for assistance:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Telephone: 240-366-5877 (lunes a jueves de 9 am a 6 pm ET y viernes de 9 am a 4 pm ET).

You can also adjust your account and tablet profile from your Driver Dashboard any time.

Please note our support team is not able to respond to your individual questions on social media.